Portugal will always amaze you with its natural beauty, beautiful cities, and amazing food cuisine. You can have your quality time at the beaches of the Algarve with your travel buddies. A holiday in Portugal will be your best choice to relax at any moment at any time. You will see the crowds in summer as well as surfers in winter. Though the best time will be the spring or autumn season which starts around February. If you wondering about the right time to visit Portugal, don’t get confused just have a look below and select according to your line of interest.
List of things to experience according to different months in Portugal-

- High season- July and august: If you are looking to have a relaxing beach vacation then this is the best time for you to have a holiday in Portugal. Don’t miss the beaches of the Algarve to relax on. Though the ocean temperature will be warmer you will get to see huge crowds around all coastal areas.
- Shoulder season- April to June and September to November: This is the best time to have a hiking experience and to chill with outdoor activities. The ocean temperature is colder in these months and so are the crowds and prices. You can relax well in peace in less crowd and experience the cuisine of some famous cities like Lisbon and Porto.
- Low season- December to March: This low season is the best time for surfers to visit Portugal. During these months days are shorter with freezing temperatures at a higher elevation. Though ocean temperatures are cold, waves are high for surfers.
Holiday in Portugal according to every month-
At the start of the year, not only you will get the colder days but also clear blue skies to romanticize the spring season. Get your Portugal travel visa and visit in January and February with your partner or spouse. This is the best and the cheapest time to visit Portugal. In May and June, there is a temperature rise, and it’s hot around the middle of the day but still accessible for the activities makers. Don’t forget that this is the best time to visit Algarve. The busiest times of year in Portugal are July and August. There’s a crowd around beaches and seaside resorts but no compensation for fun activities. You will enjoy your best vacation with the crowd of strangers, dance, and music around the beach. Get your Portugal visa from the UK and have best holiday in Portugal.